The remainder of this subsection uses maps to introduce some important terms and concepts. It also examines a navigation system, used both in cars and in hand-held devices, as an example of the application of computer systems to problem solving.
Maps use latitude and longitude to form a two-dimensional grid that covers the curved surface of the earth.
Altitude or depth (based on a notional sea level) can be superimposed on the latitude and longitude grid using lines connecting adjacent points of the same altitude or depth called contour lines. Contour lines give a map-reader (using a two-dimensional map) an idea of the topography of the area covered by the map.
A map showing only latitude, longitude and contour lines might be of great interest to a geographer. But such a map would be almost useless for, say, a rambler or a driver unless other features, such as roads and villages, were also shown on the map. Examples of two types of map are shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4 Two different types of map. Both cover approximately the same area but look very different. They are for a similar purpose (longer distance travel) but serve completely different audiences
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- the underlying grid of latitude and longitude;
- contour lines showing altitude;
- features such as rivers, roads, buildings and boundaries;
- the names of towns, roads, hills, rivers and other notable features of the landscape.
Figure 5 A portion of Dr John Snow's map of part of London. The layers in this map consist of: (1) the relevant 1854 London streets, (2) the location of 578 deaths from cholera and (3) the position of 13 water pumps. Each location of a death specifies the address of a person who died from cholera. When many such locations are associated with a single address, they are ‘stacked’ in a line away from the street so that the numbers of deaths at an address are more easily visualised. (Using this mapping technique, Dr Snow identified a contaminated pump as the source of the cholera outbreak. By removing the handle of the pump once he'd identified it, Dr Snow averted an epidemic.)
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